Until now, it was believed that silent synapses were present only during early development, when they help the brain learn the new information that it’s exposed to early in life.
What we’re trying to do is take the knowledge we create here and think about how we then use it to meet challenges in the world. To me that includes helping people around the world.” – Eric Grimson, MIT Vice President for Open Learning
Every summer, hundreds of students come to Lincoln Laboratory to gain hands-on research experience. Historically, the laboratory’s summer research program has primarily served undergraduate and graduate students, with their internships complementing their fields of study.
Since 2013, when he got his first smartphone, Emmanuel Kasigazi has been charting his own learning journey through MIT's OpenCourseWare on YouTube, educating himself on subjects as diverse as psychology and artificial intelligence.
“I was always really interested in the biggest, most pressing student-life issues, whether it be around mental health, diversity, equity, and inclusion, or public service,” says MIT’s David Spicer.
MIT’s David Autor has been an outspoken advocate for student rights and the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives within the Department of Economics, all leading to his recognition as Committed to Caring.
The group is considering conducting an ecological survey of the area to see if there is another source of water so they could drill another borehole. They will complete their analysis and then decide the best solution to implement.